Today is National Coming Out Day, but I'm staying in.
I've been fighting some kind of bug all week, and it's finally caught up with me. A sick day is in order.
I hate sick days because I just sit at home feeling guilty for a) not being at work, or b) being home all day and not accomplishing anything. I'm not very good at doing nothing unless I've been given express permission to do so.
I really think this is just my body reacting to stress. The past few weeks have been giant balls of stress, and I know something's gotta give.
I know I won't be able to live with myself if I don't at least wash the dishes, but other than that, I am hoping to stay on the couch with this little cuddle bear…
…or in bed with this little bed hog...
When I was home sick Wednesday, my Puppy napped by my side and my BoyCat slept on my chest. :-) It was fuzzy and soothing. But I still feel guilty for calling in sick. Even though it was for the best b/c I was constantly coughing/not in any condition to be around others.
Posted by: DeCaf | 10/11/2013 at 01:58 PM