Hello from my hotel room in Albuquerque, where I sit desperately wanting to sleep, but unable to not hear my assistant in the room next door talking on the phone with her boyfriend. How she has the energy to be so perky and giddy at 11 pm after a day of travel and meetings, I wish I knew. Oh, to be 24 again.
The good news is that I've lost 19.5 pounds as of Monday. The bad news is that I am in New Mexico--land so sopapillas and green chile--and I am contemplating eating my way through the state. It's a good thing we leave tomorrow.
Before dinner tonight, I dragged my tired ass to the hotel fitness center and did 30 minutes on the treadmill. Let me just say that 30 minutes at 5,000 feet is not the same as 30 minutes at my usual elevation of somewhere within 100 feet of sea level. I was DYING. 15 minutes of jogging left me feeling 5 times worse than 30 minutes at home. I had to throw in the towel at the 15 minute mark and power walk the rest.
Tomorrow, we're in for a full day of meetings and an evening flight home. I can't wait to get back. As appealing as having this whole bed all to myself seems on paper, now that I'm here it's pretty darn lonely. I will be happy to leave this mile high city behind.
Congrats on the almost 20 lbs! That's amazing!
Posted by: DeCaf | 02/14/2014 at 05:30 AM