Here’s where I confess that I listed to that song from the Frozen soundtrack about a half dozen times on my way to work this morning. (What can I say? Idina Menzel? I have a weakness for women of Broadway with lungs like hers.)
There is so much about this week that I need to let go of.
- Work crap. I hate having to put on my mean boss hat, but I wore it on Tuesday and it sucked. The suckage has stayed with me all week. I think this is what it must feel like to parent a teenager. You see so much potential in them and they are so smart and capable, but you give them an inch and they take a mile and the next thing you know their internet history for a 3-day period is 63 pages long and filled with cat memes and hipster t-shirts and they have not spoken to you directly in 4 days.
- Baby baby baby SHUT UP ABOUT BABIES ALREADY, PLEASE. While attending a baby shower for a coworker complete with the word epidural used as a word scramble, another colleague announced that she’s pregnant. There are a handful of pregnant friends in my facebook feed, and the pictures of my cousin’s 1-month old have started free flowing. Most days, I can deal. Most days, all I need is a friend to touch my shoulder knowingly and tell me that we’ll be next. But sometimes—like this week—it’s just not enough.
- The scale. I’ll admit that I’ve become a bit obsessed with it. On top of Weight Watchers, I’ve been working out harder than I ever have before in my life for the past few weeks. Monday’s loss of only .6 lbs felt like a slap in the face. Ever since that, I’ve been finding opportunities to step on the scale at least once a day if not twice. It’s gotta stop. I have to get it in my head that as long as I’m staying on program, working out, and feeling good, the scale will catch up eventually. It’s just hard not to focus on the deadline. March is looming and I so desperately want to show our RE that I mean business. I know that PCOS can make it hard to lose weight—I’ve heard it loud and clear from two doctors and from the internet. I just so wanted to fall into the “exceptions” category. I should know by now that I am rarely the exception and mostly the rule.
I know for certain that holding on to all of this serves no purpose. It’s time to take a deep breath, a long sip of coffee, and let it all go.
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