I’m forcing myself to take an actual lunch BREAK today. My door is closed, my lights are out, my phone is on Do Not Disturb, and Pandora is set to Norah Jones. The result of this forced mid-day peace is my participation in this 11 things thing that’s making its way around the blogosphere.
- I lived less than a mile from the epicenter of the ’94 Northridge Earthquake, and yet we do not have an earthquake preparedness kit assembled at home. (This is the apartment building that my bedroom window overlooked.) We skirt the issue by telling each other that hopefully we’ll be able to get to the camping gear that’s stored in the very front of the garage.
- My mom was a single mother who worked her ass off to put me through 12 years of private school. I wish I had appreciated it then, but she knows I appreciate it now.
- In high school, I once played the part of a singing, dancing, pregnant chicken in a school play. I was always the quiet shy girl who was teased mercilessly, but I LOVED being on stage. It was a totally liberating experience. After that play, I was more inclined to speak up for myself.
- Being gay came as a complete shock to me. I had never even considered it. Likewise, it was a total shock to pretty much everyone who knew me. This past Valentine’s Day was the 16th anniversary of the day I came out to my mother.
- I don’t dance. I just don’t. We took lessons before our wedding, and I was high enough on wedding excitement that I did dance that night, but heck if you can get me to dance any other day.
- I have a tattoo of the Gemini symbol between my shoulders. I got it with my (now ex) best friend the day I got the last of my belongings from my ex-girlfriend after we broke up. It suits me just as much today as the day I got it. I love it. No regrets.
- As desperately as I want a baby, I am also aware that I adore this time right now with my wife. The relationship we have is more than I ever even knew to hope for.
- If I could live anywhere (and take my parents and in-laws with me), I’d want to live in the Pacific Northwest or in Colorado.
- Catch and I have taken some amazing trips together—the Alaska cruise was amazing, as was our honeymoon cruise to Mexico—but my absolute favorite trip with her was a camping trip to the Sequoias. I could have stayed there with her forever.
- The first time I met Catch’s parents, her father was wearing a confederate flag t-shirt. I’m glad I didn’t let him scare me off.
- I have never colored my hair. Ever. You don’t mess with red like this.
Excellent post! I'm glad to know you better!
Posted by: meridith | 03/05/2014 at 01:12 PM
That is very awesome red hair. :-) I was jealous of redheads when I was a kid.
Posted by: DeCaf | 03/05/2014 at 04:06 PM