Yesterday was a bad day. A very bad day. I was depressed to the point that I could barely function. I wanted to crawl back into bed, hide in the dark and cry all day. I was struggling not to fly off the handle at work, and barely managed to keep my anger in check on several occasions. It reached a point where I was genuinely worried about myself.
Fortunately, I made it home from work and gave myself the chance to lie in bed for a while before re-joining the world. I cooked dinner, and we walked the dogs and I started to feel a bit more like myself. Catch took me out for frozen yogurt, and something about those darn rainbow sprinkles helped even more.
I was relieved when I woke up this morning feeling much better prepared to face the day. I may not be 100% me, but it’s still a significant improvement over yesterday’s flat out depression.
TTC is stressful, and I’m fairly well versed in the highs and lows, but this was an exceptional low. I think the progesterone supplements are at least partially to blame for the extreme.
I’m so looking forward to moving beyond this stage of waiting and on to whatever’s next. Right now, everything about being 9 DPO kinda sucks.
I’m hoping to convince my wife that we should spend the weekend poolside at whichever of her parents’ two houses they won’t inhabit this weekend. They bought their retirement home last year and have been spending most weekends there, which leaves the LA house free, I hope.
Hope you’re all finding yourselves suitably distracted!
Poolside sounds like a great place to be. I'm envious. It snowed here yesterday (it wasn't cold enough to stick at least).
Five days until testing?
Posted by: DeCaf | 04/30/2014 at 05:31 PM