I have this friend who drives me insane about all things weight loss and exercise.
A few years ago, I’d guess that she weighed around 275 pounds. She was tired of not being able to keep up with her young kids, and so she started a program of Weight Watchers and exercise that really worked for her. She lost 80-ish pounds. She really transformed herself—major props to her.
The thing is that it has turned her into a fitness fiend. You can’t have a conversation with her without it turning to weight or exercise, and she has this way of being very high and mighty about it.
For example, 6 or so weeks ago, I went on a business trip to New Mexico. I posted on Facebook that I’ve lost 30 pounds and it’s going to be REALLY hard to keep my weight loss plans in check when I’m in a land of seriously yummy food and have no choice but to eat every meal out at a restaurant. Whatever I said and however I said it, I made a joke out of it.
Everyone else said, “Good for you!”
This friend said, “Don’t eat your feelings.”
She doesn’t know what we’re going through in the land of TTC, so I can’t even attribute her comment to that. It may be more understandable if I could, I suppose, but still… would you write that on someone’s Facebook post? I sure wouldn’t.
Anyway, the point of all of this is that we both have Fit Bits and are Fit Bit friends, so we can cheer each other on and see each other’s 7-day step counts. I have (admittedly) become totally neurotic about beating her.
There were two days last week that I couldn’t run because I had a massive sinus headache that just wouldn’t quit. I was okay if I could just sit still and not move, but the minute my heart rate increased even slightly, I was miserable. My misery was compounded by the fact that as a result of those days off, my friend’s step count FAR exceeded mine. It was driving me bonkers.
I finally caught up this weekend. It took me 39,000 steps to catch up, but I’m ahead of her by about 4,000 steps for the week right now.
It’s ridiculous, but all I want to do right now is run. I want to turn my 4,000 step lead into a 10,000 step lead.
“Don’t eat your feelings.”
Don’t choke on my dust.
God, that was bitchy. Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets competitive like this. Ugh.
What a horrible thing to say. Geez. She would've been defriended by me the second she posted that comment.
Posted by: DeCaf | 04/14/2014 at 04:32 PM
That comment says far more about her than I imagine she wanted to let on - that she eats her feelings, that doing that thing is the worst ever, that bodies can be the enemy. Then again, maybe she's just super insensitive ;) I get the competitiveness of the fitbit - I'm home alone all week with no opportunity to walk (and a migraine for days to boot) and half the time I catch myself thinking "they are getting ahead!!" It's good...and not good. But you aren't alone. Also, everyone eats their feelings sometimes. If they aren't, they are swallowing something else.
Posted by: Meridith | 04/15/2014 at 05:11 PM