Part of me is jumping for joy that we’ve made it through half of our two week wait, but a bigger part of me recognizes that it’s MONDAY. Adios, weekend. Back to work.
I went in for a progesterone test this morning. Should have the results back later this afternoon. Other than that, there’s really not much to report. Unless you really want to know that I keep hitting my boobs to try to decide whether they’re “tender” or not. A few more days of this and they will be sore for sure. Anything to score more points on Fertility Friend’s pregnancy analyzer.
I’m fairly certain that waiting is going to be the death of me. I just can’t stand it. I really thought this cycle would be easier than our last insemination cycle, but clearly I hadn’t really considered how much more invested I am in this cycle. Between the effort it took just to get to this point—the diet, exercise, and determination—to the simple fact that this cycle cost SO much more (double and then some) than our last one did—I am all in, here. In every way possible.
I’ve been trying to distract myself. On Friday night, we saw The Other Woman (cute, but tired and a bit too long) and went out for dinner. Saturday, we purchased and installed a new printer for my FIL, cleaned the house and then one of our good friends came over for dinner. Sunday, we took the dogs on a nice long walk, walked to a favorite local spot for breakfast, worked in the vegetable garden and went to Catch’s first softball game of the season. It was a really nice weekend, but I could use about 4 more of them.
One of my good friends who I can be pretty open with about all of this was at the softball game last night. She’s in the process of becoming a foster parent and hopefully adopting a child eventually. Last night, she was obsessing over her application and some of the questions they ask that she has no idea how to answer. It reminded me that there are SO many ways to create a family, and aside from the family aspect, the one thing they all have in common is ANXIETY. So much anxiety.
Catch mentioned on the way home that some friends of ours had asked her for some info on all of this babymaking stuff several months ago (and she forgot to tell me????). I wish I’d known that they know we’re trying, because I wouldn’t have had to invent a hip injury to explain why I’m not running for a couple of weeks. I also wish I didn’t know that they’re looking into it because now I feel like it’s a competition, and I am a seriously competitive person. Who will get pregnant first? It better be me, or a meltdown will ensue.
And on that note, I will relieve you of my insanity. Have a wonderful day!
Congrats on being half-way there! :-) You're a week ahead of me.
Posted by: DeCaf | 04/28/2014 at 03:44 PM