What the Two Week Wait Needs More of:
And wine.
And possibly also Margarita Mondays.
And coffee.
And RUNNING. Fast and hard and long.
And donuts.
If mother nature is going to force me to sit here counting every second of every damn minute until I am curled up in a ball of anxiety so tight that I can’t even begin to uncurl myself, then she AT LEAST needs to let me have my freaking vices.
“Bartender, it’s been a hell of a day. I’ll have a hot chamomile tea with a generous splash of peppermint!”
Said no one. EVER.
What the Two Week Wait Needs less of:
Statistics. Stop with the numbers already. You relinquished control over this cycle the minute you spread your legs for that IUI. 30% of pregnancy tests were able to detect a positive at 8 dpo? IT DOESN’T MATTER.
Pregnant women. Please just stop. Stop running into me in the bathroom. Stop walking past me at the park. Stop wandering the aisles of Target. My happy places cannot be your happy places. Find your own.
Baby pictures. Your baby is 7 weeks old today? I don’t care. Did I ask you to email me your pictures? No? Then DON’T. Have I said a single word to you since you gave birth? No? Get a clue.
Mommy blogs. God knows I love them, just not right now. At the moment, seeing the smiling faces on those blogs just reminds me of what I don’t have.
Got anything to add to the list? I'm sure there's plenty I'm missing!
Margarita Monday sounds amazing! I never drank during the tww, but maybe it would have helped pass the time lol.
Posted by: Becca | 04/29/2014 at 04:17 PM