Dear Potential Future Baby,
I hope you enjoyed the half a bag of discount Easter Rolos that I managed to eat yesterday in between Target and work on my lunch break. Even though I know the color of the foil wrapper doesn’t change anything, I tried to eat mostly the green foil wrapped ones because it seemed healthier. I try to eat something green every day at lunch. Usually it’s broccoli, but hey—we can’t all be perfect.
I took the day off of work today so I could hang with your potential future other mom since she’s on Spring Break. (That probably shouldn’t be capitalized, but it seems more fun and official if it is.) We were going to take your potential future siblings, aka Twix & Rolo, (notice a trend?) to the dog beach, but it’s gloomy and rain is predicted, so we’ll probably wind up at a matinee that neither of us really wants to see. That’s okay though, because MOVIE POPCORN. Also, my favorite new theater has reclining seats and I might be able to catch a nap. The prospect of your existence has been making sleep a bit elusive.
I’ve been feeling pretty crampy ever since the IUIs. It comes and goes, but it’s definitely a bit sore in my lower abdomen. Is that you? If it is, I totally don’t mind one bit. I wish you could tell me if it’s you. I really don’t understand how we could watch babies being conceived on movie screens in the 80s (Look Who’s Talking, anyone?) but we haven’t figured out how to let desperate women like me know whether their IUIs worked any sooner than 14 days. Does it only work if you’re impregnated by John Travolta’s super sperm or something? (Gag.) (And yes, I'm kidding.)
Anyway, if you’re there I hope all is well. Let me know if you need anything. Let’s try to stop with the Rolos though, ok? Maybe broccoli isn’t quite what you’re looking for, but surely we can reach a compromise. Zucchini? Spinach? Green beans?
Your Potential Future Mama
I think it only works if your egg and the sperm are both animated. :-P
I think whoever invents an earlier pregnancy test will become rich.
Also, I kind of bought clearance peeps. Haven't inseminated yet (maybe tomorrow?) so, it doesn't count right? :-) The egg doesn't need nutritious food before ovulation right?
Posted by: DeCaf | 04/26/2014 at 08:34 AM